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قام المجلس الثوري المصري بإرسال خطاب إلى الأمم المتحدة حول أوضاع المعتقلين المصريين في السجون المصرية سيئة السمعة، في محاولة لإنقاذهم من الموت بفيروس كورونا.
وأكد المجلس بالخطاب الذي وصل "عربي21"، نسخة منه، أن النظام يستخدم السجون وسيلة للانتقام من الكوادر السياسية في مصر.
ومع ظهور فيروس كورونا طالب المجلس الثوري المصري الأمم المتحدة باستخدام كافة الضغوط الممكنة على النظام المصري ورئيس الانقلاب عبدالفتاح السيسي للإفراج عن المسجونين قبل حدوث كارثة كبرى.
وهذا نص الخطاب:
H.E. The Secretary General
United Nations
Your Excellency
The response of General Sisi’s Regime of Egypt towards the covid-19 pandemic was characterised by denial until several countries reported positive cases arriving to them from Egypt. This led health organisations, human rights groups, and the media to criticise the approach of the Egyptian authority to the risks of the spread of the virus. Still there is no national plan to manage the crisis.
In addition, it is widely known that Sisi’s prisons and detention centres are places of torture and political revenge. Detainees are either locked in solitary isolation or imprisoned in overcrowded cells. There is lack of proper ventilation together with absence of basic sanitary facilities. Prisoners are generally malnourished, and denied exposure to sunshine and exercise. There is no health care whatsoever and hundreds of prisoners are dying slowly.
With this grim picture of Sisi’s prisons, we are very concerned that the spread of covid-19 infection among the detainees will end up in a major tragedy while Sisi’s regime will avoid accountability. Already the Iranian authority has released thousands from its jails, and we would request Your Excellency to apply enough pressure on Sisi to free all the detainees from his prisons before a catastrophe occurs.
Yours sincerely
Dr Farouk Messahel
On behalf of
Medical Committee
Egyptian Revolutionary Council
هذا الموقع يستخدم ملف تعريف الارتباط Cookie